US officials commented on the issue of aluminum and steel supply

09:03:43 09/12/2021 View 672 Font Size

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During a meeting with UK International Trade Secretary Anne-Marie Trevelyan on December 7, US Trade Representative Katherine Tai emphasized her commitment to solving the problem of oversupply of aluminum and steel, while ensuring stability. long-term for this industry.
The two sides also agreed to continue working together to deal with important issues of the World Trade Organization (WTO) such as intellectual property, the COVID-19 pandemic and fisheries subsidies.

These are the issues that were expected to come up at the delayed WTO ministerial meeting last week. The two sides also agreed to stay in touch on other issues, including global supply chains and tackling climate change.
Although the trade deal with the US is considered to be one of the biggest results achieved by Britain's exit from the European Union (EU), also known as Brexit, US President Joe Biden has made it clear that a deal Such is not the priority of the US government.

The declaration has forced Britain to look for a different approach, negotiating smaller deals to remove barriers, resolve trade disagreements and work together on global trade reform.

Ms Trevelyan's first visit since becoming UK trade minister this September will implement the strategy, which includes pushing to resolve a longstanding disagreement over tariffs on aluminum and steel.
Former US President Donald Trump imposed tariffs of 25% and 10% respectively on steel and aluminum imports from the EU in 2018. This tax was lifted in October 2021 but is still in force for the UK due to This country has left the EU.

US and UK officials last week denied a Financial Times report that talks aimed at resolving the tax disagreement had stuck due to concerns about post-Brexit trade regulations related to Brexit. Northern Ireland.


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